A6Record - class com.lavantech.net.dns.A6Record.
A6Record represents all information in a DNS A6 Record.
A6Record(String, int, int, long, int, byte[], String) - Constructor for class com.lavantech.net.dns.A6Record
Creates a A6Record with all the required information.
AAAARecord - class com.lavantech.net.dns.AAAARecord.
AAAARecord represents all information in a DNS AAAA Record.
AAAARecord(String, int, int, long, InetAddress) - Constructor for class com.lavantech.net.dns.AAAARecord
Creates a AAAA record with all the required information
ARecord - class com.lavantech.net.dns.ARecord.
ARecord represents all information in a DNS A Record.
ARecord(String, int, int, long, InetAddress) - Constructor for class com.lavantech.net.dns.ARecord
Creates a ARecord with all the required information.


CNAMERecord - class com.lavantech.net.dns.CNAMERecord.
CNAMERecord represents all information in a DNS CNAME Record.
CNAMERecord(String, int, int, long, String) - Constructor for class com.lavantech.net.dns.CNAMERecord
Creates a CNAMERecord with all the required information.
com.lavantech.net.dns - package com.lavantech.net.dns


DNSLookup - class com.lavantech.net.dns.DNSLookup.
DNSLookup class looks up a record on a given DNS Server.
DNSLookup(String, int, int, int, String) - Constructor for class com.lavantech.net.dns.DNSLookup
DNSLookup Constructor looks up a requested record on a given server.


FindNameServer - class com.lavantech.net.dns.FindNameServer.
FindNameServer searchs for the DNS Server setting on the local machine.
FindNameServer() - Constructor for class com.lavantech.net.dns.FindNameServer


getA6Records() - Method in class com.lavantech.net.dns.DNSLookup
Returns all A6 records received in the response.
getAAAARecords() - Method in class com.lavantech.net.dns.DNSLookup
Returns all AAAA records received in the response.
getARecords() - Method in class com.lavantech.net.dns.DNSLookup
Returns all A records received in the response.
getAdditionalRecords() - Method in class com.lavantech.net.dns.DNSLookup
Returns Resource Records extracted from the Additional Section of the response.
getAddressSuffix() - Method in class com.lavantech.net.dns.A6Record
Returns the raw suffix address, 128 - prefix length bits are returned in the byte array.
getAdminMailBox() - Method in class com.lavantech.net.dns.SOARecord
Returns the Domain Admin Mailbox.
getAnswerRecords() - Method in class com.lavantech.net.dns.DNSLookup
Returns Resource Records extracted from the Answer Section of the response.
getAuthorityRecords() - Method in class com.lavantech.net.dns.DNSLookup
Returns Resource Records extracted from the Authority Section of the response.
getCNAME() - Method in class com.lavantech.net.dns.CNAMERecord
Returns the Canonical Name
getCNAMERecords() - Method in class com.lavantech.net.dns.DNSLookup
Returns all CNAME records received in the response.
getCanonicalName(String) - Static method in class com.lavantech.net.dns.SimpleDNSLookup
Returns the Canonical Name for a given hostname.
getDomainAdminMailBox(String) - Static method in class com.lavantech.net.dns.SimpleDNSLookup
Returns the admin email id for the given domain.
getExpirationLimit() - Method in class com.lavantech.net.dns.SOARecord
Returns the expiry internal in number of seconds.
getHostName() - Method in class com.lavantech.net.dns.PTRRecord
Returns the hostname
getHostName(InetAddress) - Static method in class com.lavantech.net.dns.SimpleDNSLookup
Returns the hostname for a given IP Address.
getInet6Address() - Method in class com.lavantech.net.dns.AAAARecord
Returns the IPv6 Address.
getInet6Address(String) - Static method in class com.lavantech.net.dns.SimpleDNSLookup
Returns the IPv6 address for a given hostname.
getInetAddress() - Method in class com.lavantech.net.dns.ARecord
Returns the IP Address
getInetAddress(String) - Static method in class com.lavantech.net.dns.SimpleDNSLookup
Returns an IP Address for a given hostname.
getInetAddress() - Method in class com.lavantech.net.dns.WKSRecord
Returns the IP Address
getMXRecords() - Method in class com.lavantech.net.dns.DNSLookup
Returns all MX records received in the response.
getMailExchange() - Method in class com.lavantech.net.dns.MXRecord
Returns the mail exchange
getMailExchange(String) - Static method in class com.lavantech.net.dns.SimpleDNSLookup
Returns the mail exchange for a given domain.
getMinTTL() - Method in class com.lavantech.net.dns.SOARecord
Returns the minimum TTL in number of seconds.
getNSRecords() - Method in class com.lavantech.net.dns.DNSLookup
Returns all NS records received in the response.
getNameServer() - Method in class com.lavantech.net.dns.NSRecord
Returns the name server
getNameServer() - Method in class com.lavantech.net.dns.SOARecord
Returns the Name Server.
getNameServerForDomain(String) - Static method in class com.lavantech.net.dns.SimpleDNSLookup
Returns the Name Server for a given domain.
getPTRRecords() - Method in class com.lavantech.net.dns.DNSLookup
Returns all PTR records received in the response.
getPreference() - Method in class com.lavantech.net.dns.MXRecord
Returns the preference for the mail exchange.
getPrefixLength() - Method in class com.lavantech.net.dns.A6Record
Returns the length (number of bits) of the prefix.
getPrefixName() - Method in class com.lavantech.net.dns.A6Record
The Address Prefix Name, this name has to be resolved to get the complete IPv6 address
getProtocolNumber() - Method in class com.lavantech.net.dns.WKSRecord
Returns the Protocol number
getQuestionClass() - Method in class com.lavantech.net.dns.QuestionRecord
Returns the question class type
getQuestionName() - Method in class com.lavantech.net.dns.QuestionRecord
Returns the question string
getQuestionRecord() - Method in class com.lavantech.net.dns.DNSLookup
Returns the Question Record that is sent back in the response.
getQuestionType() - Method in class com.lavantech.net.dns.QuestionRecord
Returns the question record type
getRefreshInterval() - Method in class com.lavantech.net.dns.SOARecord
Returns the refresh internal in number of seconds.
getResourceClass() - Method in class com.lavantech.net.dns.ResourceRecord
Returns the record class
getResourceName() - Method in class com.lavantech.net.dns.ResourceRecord
Returns the record name
getResourceType() - Method in class com.lavantech.net.dns.ResourceRecord
Returns the record type
getRetryInterval() - Method in class com.lavantech.net.dns.SOARecord
Returns the retry internal in number of seconds.
getSOARecords() - Method in class com.lavantech.net.dns.DNSLookup
Returns all SOA records received in the response.
getSerialNumber() - Method in class com.lavantech.net.dns.SOARecord
Returns the Serial Number.
getServers() - Static method in class com.lavantech.net.dns.FindNameServer
Returns all nameserver configured on the system.
getServicePorts() - Method in class com.lavantech.net.dns.WKSRecord
Returns an array of port numbers on which service are available
getTTL() - Method in class com.lavantech.net.dns.ResourceRecord
Returns the Time To Live value (number of seconds) for the record.
getTXTRecords() - Method in class com.lavantech.net.dns.DNSLookup
Returns all TXT records received in the response.
getTextInfo() - Method in class com.lavantech.net.dns.TXTRecord
Returns the text information
getTextInformation(String) - Static method in class com.lavantech.net.dns.SimpleDNSLookup
Returns the text information for the given hostname.
getWKSRecords() - Method in class com.lavantech.net.dns.DNSLookup
Returns all WKS records received in the response.


INTERNAL_BUFFER - Static variable in class com.lavantech.net.dns.DNSLookup
Size of internal buffer used to field the response from the DNS server.


MXRecord - class com.lavantech.net.dns.MXRecord.
MXRecord represents all information in a DNS MX Record.
MXRecord(String, int, int, long, int, String) - Constructor for class com.lavantech.net.dns.MXRecord
Creates a MXRecord with all the required information.
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.lavantech.net.dns.FindNameServer


NSRecord - class com.lavantech.net.dns.NSRecord.
NSRecord represents all information in a DNS NS Record.
NSRecord(String, int, int, long, String) - Constructor for class com.lavantech.net.dns.NSRecord
Creates a NSRecord with all the required information.


PTRRecord - class com.lavantech.net.dns.PTRRecord.
PTRRecord class represents all information in a DNS PTR Record.
PTRRecord(String, int, int, long, String) - Constructor for class com.lavantech.net.dns.PTRRecord
Creates a PTRRecord with all the required information.


QCLASS_ANY - Static variable in class com.lavantech.net.dns.DNSLookup
Query class for any scheme of record system.
QCLASS_CHAOS - Static variable in class com.lavantech.net.dns.DNSLookup
Query class for Chaos scheme of record system.
QCLASS_HESIOD - Static variable in class com.lavantech.net.dns.DNSLookup
Query class for Hesiod scheme of record system.
QCLASS_IN - Static variable in class com.lavantech.net.dns.DNSLookup
Query class for Internet scheme of record system.
QTYPE_A - Static variable in class com.lavantech.net.dns.DNSLookup
Query type value for Address Record.
QTYPE_A6 - Static variable in class com.lavantech.net.dns.DNSLookup
Query type value for IPV6 Address Record(Newer version of A6).
QTYPE_AAAA - Static variable in class com.lavantech.net.dns.DNSLookup
Query type value for IPv6 Address Record.
QTYPE_ANY - Static variable in class com.lavantech.net.dns.DNSLookup
Query type value for All Records.
QTYPE_CNAME - Static variable in class com.lavantech.net.dns.DNSLookup
Query type value for Canonical Name Record.
QTYPE_MX - Static variable in class com.lavantech.net.dns.DNSLookup
Query type value for Mail Exchange Record.
QTYPE_NS - Static variable in class com.lavantech.net.dns.DNSLookup
Query type value for Name Server Record.
QTYPE_PTR - Static variable in class com.lavantech.net.dns.DNSLookup
Query type value for Pointer Record.
QTYPE_SOA - Static variable in class com.lavantech.net.dns.DNSLookup
Query type value for Start Of Authority Record.
QTYPE_TXT - Static variable in class com.lavantech.net.dns.DNSLookup
Query type value for Text Record.
QTYPE_WKS - Static variable in class com.lavantech.net.dns.DNSLookup
Query type value for Well Known Services Record.
QuestionRecord - class com.lavantech.net.dns.QuestionRecord.
Question Record represents the query that resulted in a response from a DNS server
QuestionRecord(String, int, int) - Constructor for class com.lavantech.net.dns.QuestionRecord
Constructor for the question record.


ResourceRecord - class com.lavantech.net.dns.ResourceRecord.
ResourceRecord is the base class for all Record types.
ResourceRecord(String, int, int, long) - Constructor for class com.lavantech.net.dns.ResourceRecord
Creates a ResourceRecord with all the required information.


SOARecord - class com.lavantech.net.dns.SOARecord.
SOARecord represents a DNS SOA Record.
SOARecord(String, int, int, long, String, String, long, long, long, long, long) - Constructor for class com.lavantech.net.dns.SOARecord
Creates a SOARecord with all the required information.
SimpleDNSLookup - class com.lavantech.net.dns.SimpleDNSLookup.
SimpleDNSLookup class provides simple methods to perform most common DNS lookups.
SimpleDNSLookup() - Constructor for class com.lavantech.net.dns.SimpleDNSLookup


TXTRecord - class com.lavantech.net.dns.TXTRecord.
TXTRecord represents text information in a DNS TXT Record.
TXTRecord(String, int, int, long, char[]) - Constructor for class com.lavantech.net.dns.TXTRecord
Creates a TXTRecord with all the required information.
timeout - Static variable in class com.lavantech.net.dns.SimpleDNSLookup
Timeout for DNS lookup for all static methods in this class.
toString() - Method in class com.lavantech.net.dns.A6Record
Returns a string representation of the record.
toString() - Method in class com.lavantech.net.dns.AAAARecord
Returns a string representation of the record.
toString() - Method in class com.lavantech.net.dns.ARecord
Returns the string representation of the record.
toString() - Method in class com.lavantech.net.dns.CNAMERecord
Returns a string representation of the record.
toString() - Method in class com.lavantech.net.dns.MXRecord
Returns a string representation of the record.
toString() - Method in class com.lavantech.net.dns.NSRecord
Returns the string representation of the record.
toString() - Method in class com.lavantech.net.dns.PTRRecord
Returns a string representation of the record.
toString() - Method in class com.lavantech.net.dns.QuestionRecord
Returns a String representation of the record.
toString() - Method in class com.lavantech.net.dns.ResourceRecord
Returns the string representation of the Record.
toString() - Method in class com.lavantech.net.dns.SOARecord
Returns the string representation of the SOA Record.
toString() - Method in class com.lavantech.net.dns.TXTRecord
Returns a string representation of the record.
toString() - Method in class com.lavantech.net.dns.WKSRecord
Returns a String representation of the record.


WKSRecord - class com.lavantech.net.dns.WKSRecord.
WKSRecord represents the DNS WKS Record.
WKSRecord(String, int, int, long, InetAddress, int, byte[]) - Constructor for class com.lavantech.net.dns.WKSRecord
Creates a WKSRecord with all the required information.