Version: 3.3 Fixed layout for Mac platform. Version: 3.2 Fixed a layout problem with the CalendarPanel. Version: 3.1 Fixed a layout problem with the CalendarPanel. The CalendarPanel was wide on Mac OS X Version: 3.0 Fixed a problem where some Look and Feel (Mac OS X & SubstanceLookAndFeel) didn't show the button colors. Added a method DateTimePicker.setPopupModal() to set the popup modal. Version: 2.8.8 Fixed a problem with the calendar layout under Mac OS X. Version: 2.8.7 Fixed a bug where hour value typed inside the Time Panel hour spinner box didn't get updated. Handle exceptions when adding mouse listeners to other container components. Version: 2.8.6 Fixed a bug where the Today, Now & Clear buttons font and color property were not updated. Added a method "togglePopup" to toggle the date time popup through program Made the "OK" button the default focus when the popup is opened. Version: 2.8.5 Fixed the analog time to align on the top center of the time panel. Added a property to show or hide the hour, min and sec labels in the time panel. Version: 2.8.4 DateTimePicker notifys editing event through a Editor listener interface. Version: 2.8.3 Setting a date outside the min or max limit doesn't throw an exception anymore, instead it sets the date to the limit. DateTimePicker.setDate(null) will set the display time to the current time. Version: 2.8.2 Fixed a bug in calendar panel layout that was causing the dates to be displayed as ... Version: 2.8.1 Fixed a bug where setMaxSelectableTime() threw NullException. Version: 2.8.0 Changes: 1. Supports null Date objects - You can construct a DateTimePicker with null as the argument for the Date/Calendar object. In such cases, The getDate() and getCalendar() will return null if the user didn't change the date. 2. Clear button - A new property displayClearButton is added to the DateTimePicker. By default, this is false to be compatible with older version. When enabled, a "Clear" button is shown in the DateTime popup. Selecting the "Clear" button clears the Date selection and the getDate() and getCalendar() will return null.