Date & Time
Selector Component
Version 3.3 (Release Notes)
- Can be customized to pick Date, Time or Date & Time.
- Unavailable dates can be set. User selection is disabled
for unavailable dates.
- Date Time selection can be restricted to a given time range using
setMinSelectableTime() and setMaxSelectableTime() methods.
(New in 2.2)
- Clock needles can be dragged to change time.
- Class Library includes separate Calendar Panel and Clock
Panel for other use.
- Unlimited runtime distrubution without any royalty
- GUI components are JavaBean that can be easily installed in IDEs like NetBeans.
(New in 2.0)
- Clock panel face and needles can be customized.
(New in 2.5)
Demo Applet (with source code)
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Date Time Picker 
Date Picker 
Calendar Panel

Time Panel
